Titolo 6
Video Voyagers Snc is an audiovisual and photographic production company founded in 2000, following a long experience of the two founding partners Ugo Nuzzo and Furio Bruzzone in the field of travel reporting, and has been characterized since the early years for collaboration with important companies cruise ships and national television broadcasters.
The headquarters of Video Voyagers is located in the prestigious location of Villa Durazzo Bombrini, headquarters of the Genova Liguria Film Commission, next to the Videoporto of Genova Cornigliano.
Video Voyagers has a team of professionals in the sector who produce multimedia content for television and web programming, and also produces documentaries, content for museum installations, advertising services, video and photographic services for companies and individuals.
It is an important reference service for national, international and local Ligurian broadcasters.

Progetto AVANTI GENOVA! Vogliamo raccontare la rinascita di una città, non solo la ricostruzione di una arteria di comunicazione