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Testify to the demolition process of the Morandi Bridge, the reconstruction of the new Genoa Bridge by Renzo Piano and the redevelopment of the adjacent area through a story in pictures. It's our Avanti Genova Project!
It is a project that unites various professional skills that have been documenting the construction of this monumental work of vital importance for the redevelopment and rebirth of the city of Genoa and Valpolcevera for about two years.
The incessant building site activity is documented through the timelapse technique with several camera points always active and through video and photographic shots, and wants to be a visual testimony of this very important passage for the city of Genoa.
Focus , Mediaset: programmi sull'astronomia con Luigi Bignami.
Progetto: I Cavalli Selvaggi dell'Aveto; sette anni di lavoro per documentare il ritorno in natura di un gruppo di quadrupedi ritornati allo stato brado. Il documentario di Ugo Nuzzo è andato in onda sul canale 35 Focus / Mediaset.
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